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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/241

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Cant. IIII.
the Faery Queene.
Who vsed in a darkesome inner bowreHer oft to meete: which better to approue,He promised to bring me at that howre,When I should see, that would me nearer moue,And driue me to withdraw my blind abused loue.
This gracelesse man for furtherance of his guile,Did court the handmayd of my Lady deare,Who glad t'embosome his affection vile,Did all she might, more pleasing to appeare.One day to worke her to his will more neare,He woo'd her thus: Pryene (so she hight)What great despight doth fortune to thee beare,Thus lowly to abase thy beautie bright,That it should not deface all others lesser light?
But if she had her least helpe to thee lent,T'adorne thy forme according thy desart,Their blazing pride thou wouldest soone haue blent,And staynd their prayses with thy least good part;Ne should faire Claribell with all her art,Though she thy Lady be, approch thee neare:For proofe thereof, this euening, as thou art,Aray thy selfe in her most gorgeous geare,That I may more delight in thy embracement deare.
The Maydē proud through praise, & mad through loueHim hearkned to, and soone her selfe arayd,The whiles to me the treachour did remoueHis craftie engin, and as he had sayd,Me leading, in a secret corner layd,The sad spectatour of my Tragedie;Where left, he went, and his owne false part playd,Disguised like that groome of base degree,Whom he had feignd th'abuser of my loue to bee.
