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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/243

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Cant. IIII.
the Faerie Queene.
That was Pryene; she did first offend,She last should smart: with which cruell intent,When I at her my murdrous blade did bend,She fled away with ghastly dreriment,And I poursewing my fell purpose, after went.
Feare gaue her winges, and rage enforst my flight;Through woods and plaines so long I did her chace,Till this mad man, whom your victorious mightHath now fast bound, me met in middle space,As I her, so he me poursewd apace,And shortly ouertooke: I breathing yre,Sore chauffed at my stay in such a cace,And with my heat kindled his cruell fyre;Which kindled once, his mother did more rage inspyre.
Betwixt them both, they haue me doen to dye,Through wounds, & strokes, & stubborne handeling,That death were better, then such agony,As griefe and fury vnto me did bring;Of which in me yet stickes the mortall sting,That during life will neuer be appeasd.When he thus ended had his sorrowing,Said Guyon, Squyre, sore haue ye beene diseasd;But all your hurts may soone through tēperance be easd.
Then gan the Palmer thus, most wretched man,That to affections does the bridle lend;In their beginning they are weake and wan,But soone through suff'rance growe to fearefull end;Whiles they are weake betimes with them contend:For when they once to perfect strength do grow,Strong warres they make, and cruell battry bendGainst fort of Reason, it to ouerthrow:Wrath, gelosy, griefe, loue this Squyre haue laide thus low.
