The second Booke of
Cant. IIII.
Wrath, gealosie, griefe, loue do thus expell:Wrath is a fire, and gealosie a weede,Griefe is a flood, and loue a monster fell;The fire of sparkes, the weede of little seede,The flood of drops, the Monster filth did breede:But sparks, feed, drops, and filth do thus delay;The sparks soone quench, the springing seed outweedThe drops dry vp, and filth wipe cleane away:So shall wrath, gealosy, griefe, loue die and decay.
Vnlucky Squire (saide Guyon) sith thou hastFalne into mischiefe through intemperaunce,Henceforth take heede of that thou now hast past,And guyde thy waies with warie gouernaunce,Least worse betide thee by some later chaunce.But read how art thou nam'd, and of what kin.Phaon I hight (quoth he) and do aduaunceMine auncestry from famous Coradin,Who first to rayse our house to honour did begin.
Thus as he spake, lo far away they spydeA varlet ronning towardes hastily,Whose flying feet so fast their way applyde,That round about a cloud of dust did fly,Which mingled all with sweate, did dim his eye.He soone approched, panting, breathlesse, whot,And all so soyld, that none could him descry;His countenaunce was bold, and bashed notFor Guyons lookes, but scornefull eyglaunce at him shot.
Behind his backe he bore a brasen shield,On which was drawen faire, in colours fit,A flaming fire in midst of bloody field,And round about the wreath this word was writ,