Cant. IIII.
the Faery Queene.
Burnt I doe burne. Right well beseemed it,To be the shield of some redoubted knight;And in his hand two dartes exceeding flit,And deadly sharp he held, whose heads were dightIn poyson and in blood, of malice and despight.
When he in presence came, to Guyon firstHe boldly spake, Sir knight, if knight thou bee,Abandon this forestalled place at erst,For feare of further harme, I counsell thee,Or bide the chaunce at thine owne ieopardee.The knight at his great boldnesse wondered,And though he scornd his ydle vanitee,Yet mildly him to purpose answered;For not to grow of nought he it coniectured.
Varlet, this place most dew to me I deeme,Yielded by him, that held it forcibly.But whence shold come that harme, which thou dost seemeTo threat to him, that mindes his chaunce t'abye?Perdy (sayd he) here comes, and is hard byA knight of wondrous powre, and great assay,That neuer yet encountred enemy,But did him deadly daunt, or fowle dismay;Ne thou for better hope, if thou his presence stay.
How hight he then (sayd Guyon) and from whence?Pyrrhochles is his name, renowmed farreFor his bold feates and hardy confidence,Full oft approud in many a cruell warre,The brother of Cymochles, both which arreThe sonnes of old Acrates and Despight,Acrates sonne of Phlegeton and Iarre;But Phlegeton is sonne of Herebus and Night;But Herebus sonne of Aeternitie is hight.