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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/253

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Cant. V.
the Faery Queene.
Bycause he wonne; the other because heeWas wonne: So matter did she make of nought,To stirre vp strife, and garre them disagree:But soone as Furor was enlargd, she soughtTo kindle his quencht fyre, & thousād causes wrought.
It was not long, ere she inflam'd him so,That he would algates with Pyrrhochles fight,And his redeemer chalengd for his foe,Because he had not well mainteind his right,But yielded had to that same straunger knight:Now gan Pyrrhochles wex as wood, as hee,And him affronted with impatient might:So both together fiers engrasped bee,Whyles Guyon stāding by, their vncouth strife does see.
Him all that while Occasion did prouokeAgainst Pyrrhochles, and new matter fram'dVpon the old, him stirring to bee wrokeOf his late wronges, in which she oft him blam'dFor suffering such abuse, as knighthood sham'd,And him dishabled quyte. But he was wise,Ne would with vaine occasions be inflam'd;Yet others she more vrgent did deuise:Yet nothing could him to impatience entise.
Their fell contention still increased more,And more thereby increased Furors might,That he his foe has hurt, and wounded sore,And him in blood and durt deformed quight.His mother eke, more to augment his spight,Now brought to him a flaming fyer brond,Which she in Stygian lake, ay burning brightHad kindled: that she gaue into his hond,That armd with fire, more hardly he mote him withstōd
