Cant. V.
the Faery Queene.
Some bathed kisses, and did soft embrewThe sugred licour through his melting lips:One boastes her beautie, and does yield to vewHer dainty limbes aboue her tender hips;Another her out boastes, and all for try all strips.
He, like an Adder, lurking in the weedes,His wandring thought in deepe desire does steepe,And his frayle eye with spoyle of beauty feedes;Sometimes he falsely faines himselfe to sleepe,Whiles through their lids his wanton eies do peepe,To steale a snatch of amorous conceipt,Whereby close fire into his heart does creepe:So, he them deceiues, deceiud in his deceipt,Made dronke with drugs of deare voluptuous receipt.
Attin arriuing there, when him he spyde,Thus in still waues of deepe delight to wade,Fiercely approching, to him lowdly cryde,Cymochles; oh no, but Cymochles shade,In which that manly person late did fade,What is become of great Acrates sonne?Or where hath he hong vp his mortall blade,That hath so many haughty conquests wonne?Is all his force forlorne, and all his glory donne?
Then pricking him with his sharp pointed dart,He saide; vp, vp, thou womanish weake knight,That here in Ladies lap entombed art,Vnmindfull of thy praise and prowest might,And weetlesse eke of lately wrought despight,Whiles sad Pyrrhochles lies on sencelesse ground,And groneth out his vtmost grudging spright,Through many a stroke, & many a streaming wound,Calling thy help in vaine, that here in ioyes art dround.