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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/258

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The second Booke of
Cant. VI.
Suddeinly out of his delightfull dreameThe man awoke, and would haue questiond more;But he would not endure that wofull theameFor to dilate at large, but vrged soreWith percing wordes, and pittifull implore,Him hasty to arise. As one affrightWith hellish feends, or Furies mad vprore,He then vprose, inflamd with fell despight,And called for his armes; for he would algates fight.
They bene ybrought; he quickly does him dight,And lightly mounted, passeth on his way,Ne Ladies loues, ne sweete entreaties mightAppease his heat, or hastie passage stay,For he has vowd, to beene auengd that day,(That day it selfe him seemed all too long:)On him, that did Pyrrhochles deare dismay:So proudly pricketh on his courser strong,And Attin ay him pricks with spurs of shame & wrong.

Cant. VI.

Guyon is of immodest Merth,led into loose desyre,Fights with Cymochles, whiles his brother burnes in furious fyre.
A harder lesson, to learne ContinenceIn ioyous pleasure, then in grieuous paine:For sweetnesse doth allure the weaker senceSo strongly, that vneathes it can refraine
