The second Booke of
Cant. VI.
Eftsoones her shallow ship away did slide,More swift, then swallow sheres the liquid skye,Withouten oare or Pilot it to guide,Or winged canuas with the wind to fly,Onely she turnd a pin, and by and byIt cut away vpon the yielding waue,Ne cared she her course for to apply:For it was taught the way, which she would haue,And both from rocks and flats it selfe could wisely saue.
And all the way, the wanton Damsell foundNew merth, her passenger to entertaine:For she in pleasaunt purpose did abound,And greatly ioyed merry tales to faine,Of which a store-house did with her remaine,Yet seemed, nothing well they her became;For all her wordes she drownd with laughter vaine,And wanted grace in vtt'ring of the same,That turned all her pleasaunce to ascoffing game.
And other whiles vaine toyes she would deuize,As her fantasticke wit did most delight,Sometimes her head she fondly would aguizeWith gaudy girlonds, or fresh flowrets dightAbout her necke, or rings of rushes plight;Sometimes to do him laugh, she would assayTo laugh at shaking off the leaues light,Or to behold the water worke, and playAbout her little frigot, therein making way.
Her light behauiour, and loose dalliaunceGaue wondrous great contentment to the knight,That of his way he had no souenaunce,Nor care of vow'd reuenge, and cruell fight,