Cant. VI.
the Faery Queene
But whenas Guyon of that land had fight,He wist him selfe amisse, and angry said;Ah Dame, perdy ye haue not doen me right,Thus to mislead mee, whiles I you obaid:Me litle needed from my right way to haue straid.
Faire Sir (qd. she) be not displeasd at all;Who fares on sea, may not commaund his way,Ne wind and weather at his pleasure call:The sea is wide, and easy for to stray;The wind vnstable, and doth neuer stay.But here a while ye may in safety rest,Till season serue new passage to assay;Better safe port, then be in seas distrest.Therewith she laught, and did her earnest end in iest.
But he halfe discontent, mote nathelesseHimselfe appease, and issewd forth on shore:The ioyes whereof, and happy fuitfulnesse,Such as he saw, she gan him lay before,And all though pleasaunt, yet she made much more:The fields did laugh, the flowres did freshly spring,The trees did bud, and early blossomes bore,And all the quire of birds did sweetly sing,And told that gardins pleasures in their caroling.
And she more sweete, then any bird on bough,Would oftentimes emongst them beare a part,And striue to passe (as she could well enough)Their natiue musicke by her skilful art:So did she all, that might his constant hartWithdraw from thought of warlike enterprize,And drowne in dissolute delights apart,Where noise of armes, or vew of martiall guizeMight not reuiue desire of knightly exercize.