The second Booke of
Cant. VI.
If euer loue of Lady did empierceYour yron brestes, or pittie could find place,Withhold your bloody handes from battaill fierce,And sith for me ye fight, to me this graceBoth yield, to stay your deadly stryfe a space.They stayd a while: and forth she gan proceed:Most wretched woman, and of wicked race,That am the authour of this hainous deed,And cause of death betweene two doughtie knights do breed.
But if for me ye fight, or me will serue,Not this rude kynd of battaill, nor these armesAre meet, the which doe men in bale to sterue,And doolefull sorrow heape with deadly harmes:Such cruell game my scarmoges disarmes:Another warre, and other weapons IDoe loue, where loue does giue his sweet Alarmes,Without bloodshed, and where the enimyDoes yield vnto his foe a pleasaunt victory.
Debatefull strife, and cruell enmityThe famous name of knighthood fowly shend;But louely peace, and gentle amity,And in Amours the passing howres to spend,The mightie martiall handes doe most commend;Of loue they euer greater glory bore,Then of their armes: Mars is Cupidoes frend,And is for Venus loues renowmed more,Then all his wars and spoiles, the which he did of yore.
Therewith she sweetly smyld. They though full bent,To proue extremities of bloody fight,Yet at her speach their rages gan relent,And calme the sea of their tempestuous spight,