Cant. V.I.
the Faery Queene.
Such powre haue pleasing wordes: such is the mightOf courteous clemency in gentle hart.Now after all was ceast, the Faery knightBesought that Damzell suffer him depart,And yield him ready passage to that other part.
She no lesse glad, then he desirous wasOf his departure thence; for of her ioyAnd vaine delight she saw he light did pas,A foe of folly and immodest toy,Still solemne sad, or still disdainfull coy,Delighting all in armes and cruell warre,That her sweet peace and pleasures did annoy,Troubled with terrour and vnquiet iarre,That she well pleased was thence to amoue him farre.
Tho him she brought abord, and her swift boteForthwith directed to that further strand;The which on the dull waues did lightly floteAnd soone arriued on the shallow sand,Where gladsome Guyon salied forth to land,And to that Damsell thankes gaue for reward.Vpon that shore he spyed Atin stand,Thereby his maister left, when late he far'dIn Phædrias flitt barck ouer that perlous shard.
Well could he him remember, sith of lateHe with Pyrrhochles sharp debatement made;Streight gan he him reuyle, and bitter rate,As Shepheardes curre, that in darke eueninges shadeHath tracted forth some saluage beastes trade;Vile Miscreaunt (said he) whether dost thou flyeThe shame and death, which will thee soone inuade?What coward hand shall doe thee next to dye,That art thus fowly fledd from famous enimy?