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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/272

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The second Booke of
Cant. VI.
Whiles thus they strugled in that ydle waue,And stroue in vaine, the one him selfe to drowne,The other both from drowning for to saue,Lo, to that shore one in an auncient gowne,Whose hoary locks great grauitie did crowne,Holding in hand a goodly arming sword,By fortune came, ledd with the troublous sowne:Where drenched deepe he fownd in that dull fordThe carefull seruaunt, stryuing with his raging Lord.
Him Atin spying, knew right well of yore,And lowdly cald, Help helpe, O Archimage,To saue my Lord, in wretched plight forlore;Helpe with thy hand, or with thy counsell sage:Weake handes, but counsell is most strong in age.Him when the old man, saw he woundred sore,To see Pyrrhochles there so rudely rage:Yet sithens helpe, he saw, he needed moreThen pitty, he in hast approched to the shore.
And cald, Pyrrhochles, what is this, I see?What hellish fury hath at earst thee hent?Furious euer I thee knew to bee,Yet neuer in this straunge astonishment.These flames, these flames (he cryde) do me torment.What flames (qd. he) when I thee present see,In daunger rather to be drent, then brent?Harrow, the flames, which me consume (said hee)Ne can be quencht, within my secret bowelles bee.
That cursed man, that cruel feend of hell,Furor, oh Furor hath me thus bedight:His deadly woundes within my liuers swell,And his whott fyre burnes in mine entralles bright,
