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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/32

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The first Booke of
Cant. II.
A foggy mist, that ouercast the day,And a dull blast, that breathing on her face,Dimmed her former beauties shining ray,And with foule vgly forme did her disgrace:Then was she fayre alone, when none was faire in place.
Then cride she out, fye, fye, deformed wight,Whose borrowed beautie now appeareth plaineTo haue before bewitched all mens sight;O leaue her soone, or let her soone be slaine.Her loathly visage viewing with disdaine,Eftsoones I thought her such, as she me told,And would haue kild her; but with faigned paine,The false witch did my wrathfull hand with-hold:So left her, where she now is turnd to treen mould.
Then forth I tooke Duessa for my Dame,And in the witch vnweeting ioyd long time,Ne euer wist, but that she was the same,Till on a day (that day is euerie Prime,When Witches wont do penance for their crime)I chaunst to see her in her proper hew,Bathing her selfe in origane and thyme:A filthy foule old woman I did vew,That euer to haue toucht her, I did deadly rew.
Her neather partes misshapen, monstruous,Were hidd in water, that I could not see,But they did seeme more foule and hideous,Then womans shape man would beleeue to bee.Then forth from her most beastly companieI gan refraine, in minde to slipp away,Soone as appeard safe opportunitie:For danger great, if not assurd decayI saw before mine eyes, if I were knowne to stray.
