The first Booke of
Cant. III.
And simple truth subdue auenging wrong?Whose yielded pryde and proud submission,Still dreading death, when she had marked long,Her hart gan melt in great compassion,And drizling teares did shed for pure affection.
The Lyon Lord of euerie beast in fieldQuoth she, his princely puissance doth abate,And mightie proud to humble weake does yield,Forgetfull of the hungry rage, which lateHim prickt, in pit tie of my sad estate:But he my Lyon, and my noble LordHow does he find in cruell hart to hateHer that him lou'd, and euer most adord,As the God of my life? why hath he me abhord?
Redounding teares did choke th'end of her plaint,Which softly ecchoed from the neighbour wood;And sad to see her sorrowfull constraintThe kingly beast vpon her gazing stood;With pittie calmd, downe fell his angry mood.At last in close hart shutting vp her payne,Arose the virgin borne of heauenly brood,And to her snowy Palfrey got agayne,To seeke her strayed Champion, if she might attayne.
The Lyon would not leaue her desolate,But with her went along, as a strong gardOf her chast person, and a faythfull mateOf her sad troubles and misfortunes hard:Still when she slept, he kept both watch and ward,And when she wakt, he wayted diligent,With humble seruice to her will prepard:From her fayre eyes he tooke commandement,And euer by her lookes conceiued her intent.