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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/50

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The first Booke of
Cant. IIII.
A dreadfull Dragon with an hideous trayne,And in her hand she held a mirrhour bright,Wherein her face she often vewed fayne,And in her selfe-lou'd semblance tooke delight;For she was wondrous faire, as any liuing wight.
Of griesly Pluto she the daughter was,And sad Proserpina the Queene of hell;Yet did she thinke her pearelesse worth to pasThat parentage, with pride so did she swell,And thundring Iove, that high in heauen doth dwell,And wield the world, she claymed for her syre,Or if that any else did Ioue excell:For to the highest she did still aspyre,Or if ought higher were then that, did it desyre.
And proud Lucifera men did her call,That made her selfe a Queene, and crownd to be,Yet rightfull kingdome she had none at all,Ne heritage of natiue soueraintie,But did vsurpe with wrong and tyrannieVpon the scepter, which she now did hold;Ne ruld her Realme with lawes, but pollicie,And strong aduizement of six wisards old,That with their counsels bad her kingdome did vphold.
Soone as the Elfin knight in presence came,And false Duessa seeming Lady fayre,A gentle Husher, Vanitie by nameMade rowme, and passage for them did prepaire:So goodly brought them to the lowest stayreOf her high throne, where they on humble kneeMaking obeysaunce; did the cause declare,Why they were come, her roiall state to see,To proue the wide report of her great Maiestee.
