Cant. IIII.
the Faerie Queene.
With loftie eyes, halfe loth to looke so lowe,She thancked them in her disdainefull wise,Ne other grace vouchsafed them to showeOf Princesse worthy, scarse them bad arise.Her Lordes and Ladies all this while deuiseThemselues to setten forth to straungers sight:Some frounce their curled heare in courtly guise,Some prancke their ruffes, and others trimly dightTheir gay attyre: each others greater pride does spight.
Goodly they all that knight doe entertayne,Right glad with him to haue increast their crew;But to Duess each one himselfe did payneAll kindnesse and faire courtesie to shew;For in that court whylome her well they knew:Yet the stout Faery mongst the middest crowdThought all their glorie vaine in knightly vew,And that great Princesse too exceeding prowd,That to strange knight no better countenance allowd.
Suddein vpriseth from her stately placeThe roiall Dame, and for her coche doth call;All hurtlen forth, and she with princely pace,As faire Aurora in her purple pall,Out of the East the dawning day doth call:So forth she comes: her brightnes brode doth blaze;The heapes of people thronging in the hall,Doe ride each other, vpon her to gaze:Her glorious glitter and light doth all mens eies amaze.
So forth she comes, and to her coche does clyme,Adorned all with gold, and girlonds gay,That seemd as fresh as Flora in her prime,And stroue to match, in roiall rich array,