The first Booke of
Cant. IIII.
In many folds, and mortall sting implyes.Still as he rode, he gnasht his teeth, to seeThose heapes of gold with griple Couetyse,And grudged at the great feliciteeOf proud Lucifera, and his owne companee.
He hated all good workes and vertuous deeds,And him no lesse, that any like did vse,And who with gratious bread the hungry feeds,His almes for want of faith he doth accuse;So euery good to bad he doth abuse:And eke the verse of famous Poets wittHe does backebite, and spightfull poison spuesFrom leprous mouth on all, that euer writt:Such one vile Enuy was, that first in row did sitt.
And him beside rides fierce reuenging Wrath,Vpon a Lion, loth for to be led;And in his hand a burning brond he hath,The which he brandisheth about his hed;His eies did hurle forth sparcles fiery red,And stared sterne on all, that him beheld,As ashes pale of hew and seeming ded;And on his dagger still his hand he held,Trēbling through hasty rage, when choler in him sweld.
His ruffin raiment all was staind with blood,Which he had spilt; and all to rags yrent,Through vnaduized rashnes woxen wood;For of his hands he had no gouernement,Ne car'd for blood in his auengement:But when the furious fitt was ouerpast,His cruell facts he often would repent;Yet wilfull man he neuer would forecast,How many mischieues should ensue his heedlesse hast.