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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/77

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Cant. VI.
the Faery Queene.
But earely rose, and ere that dawning lightDiscouered had the world to heauen wyde,He by a priuy Posterne tooke his flight,That of no enuious eyes he mote be spyde:For doubtlesse death ensewed, if any him descryde.
Scarse could he footing find in that fowle way,For many corses, like a great Lay-stallOf murdred men which therein strowed lay,Without remorse, or decent funerall:Which al through that great Princesse pride did fallAnd came to shamefull end. And them besydeForth ryding vnderneath the castell wall,A Donghill of dead carcases he spyde,The dreadfull spectacle of that sad house of Pryde.

Can. VI.

From lawlesse lust by wondrous gracefayre Una is releast:Whom saluage nation does adore,and learnes her wise beheast.
As when a ship, that flyes fayre vnder sayle,An hidden rocke escaped hath vnwares,That lay in waite her wrack for to bewaile,The Marriner yet halfe amazed staresAt perill past, and yet it doubt ne daresTo ioy at his foolhappie ouersight:So doubly is distrest twixt ioy and caresThe dreadlesse corage of this Elfin knight,Hauing escapt so sad ensamples in his sight.
