The first Booke of
Cant. VI.
The wyld woodgods arriued in the place,There find the virgin doolfull desolate,With ruffled rayments, and fayre blubbred face,As her outrageous foe had left her late,And trembling yet through feare of former hate;All stand amazed at so vncouth sight,And gin to pittie her vnhappie state,All stand astonied at her beautie bright,In their rude eyes vnworthy of so wofull plight.
She more amazd, in double dread doth dwell;And euery tender part for feare does shake:As when a greedy Wolfe through honger fellA seely Lamb far from the flock does take,Of whom he meanes his bloody feast to make,A Lyon spyes fast running towards him,The innocent pray in hast he does forsake,Which quitt from death yet quakes in euery limWith chaunge of feare, to see the Lyon looke so grim.
Such fearefull fitt assaid her trembling hart,Ne word to speake, ne ioynt to moue she had:The saluage nation feele her secret smart,And read her sorrow in her count'nance sad;Their frowning forheades with rough hornes yclad,And rustick horror all a syde doe lay,And gently grenning, shew a semblance gladTo comfort her, and feare to put away,Their backward bent knees teach her humbly to obay.
The doubtfull Damzell dare not yet committ,Her single person to their barbarous truth,But still twixt feare and hope amazd does sitt,Late learnd what harme to hasty trust ensu'th,