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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/83

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Cant. VI.
the Faerie Queene.
During which time her gentle wit she plyes,To teach them truth, which worshipt her in vaine,And made her th'Image of Idolatryes;But when their bootlesse zeale she did restrayneFrō her own worship, they her Asse would worship fayn.
It fortuned a noble warlike knightBy iust occasion to that forrest came,To seeke his kindred, and the lignage right,From whence he tooke his weldeserued name:He had in armes abroad wonne muchell fame,And fild far landes with glorie of his might,Plaine, faithfull, true, and enimy of shame,And euer lou'd to fight for Ladies right,But in vaine glorious frayes he litle did delight.
A Satyres sonne yborne in forrest wyld,By straunge aduenture as it did betyde,And there begotten of a Lady myld,Fayre Thyamis the daughter of Labryde,That was in sacred bandes of wedlocke tydeTo Therion, a loose vnruly swayne;Who had more ioy to raunge the forrest wyde,And chase the saluage beast with busie payne,Then serue his Ladies loue, & waste in pleasures vayne.
The forlorne mayd did with loues longing burne,And could not lacke her louers company,But to the wood she goes, to serue her turne,And seeke her spouse, that from her still does fly,And followes other game and venery:A Satyre chaunst her wandring for to finde,And kindling coles of lust in brutish eye,The loyall linkes of wedlocke did vnbinde,And made her person thrall vnto his beastly kind.
