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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/90

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The first Booke of
Cant. VI.
So long they fight, and full reuenge pursue,That fainting each, them selues to breathen lett,And ofte refreshed, battell oft renue:As when two Bores with rancling malice mett,Their gory sides fresh bleeding fiercely frett,Til breathlesse both themselues aside retire,Where foming wrath, their cruell tuskes they whett,And trample th'earth, the whiles they may respire;Then backe to fight againe, new breathed and entire.
So fiersly, when these knights had breathed once,They gan to fight retourne, increasing moreTheir puissant force, and cruell rage attonce,With heaped strokes more hugely, then before,That with their drery wounds and bloody goreThey both deformed, scarsely could bee known.By this sad Vna fraught with anguish sore,Led with their noise, which through the aire was thrown:Arriu'd, wher they in erth their fruitles blood had sown.
Whom all so soone as that proud SarazinEspide, he gan reuiue the memoryOf his leud lusts, and late attempted sin,And lefte the doubtfull battell hastily,To catch her, newly offred to his eic:But Satyrane with strokes him turning, staid,And sternely bad him other businesse plie,Then hunt the steps of pure vnspotted Maid:Wherewith he al enrag'd, these bitter speaches said.
O foolish faeries sonne, what fury madHath thee incenst, to hast thy dolefull fate?Were it not better, I that Lady had,Then that thou hadst repented it too late?
