The Epistle Dedicatory.
bove the rest of Princes, makes the Tribute of our Admiration and Praise, rather a Choice more immediately preventing that Duty.
The Publick Gratitude, is ever founded on a Publick Benefit; and what is universally bless'd, is always an universal Blessing. Thus from Your self, we derive the Offerings which we bring; and that Incense which arises to Your Name, only returns to its Original, and but naturally requires the Parent of its Being.
From hence it is that this Poem, constituted on a Moral, whose End is to recommend and to encourage Vertue, of consequence has recourse to Your Royal Highness's Patronage; aspiring to cast it self beneath Your Feet, and declining Approbation, till You shall condescend to own it, and vouchsafe to shine upon it as on a Creature of Your Influence.
'Tis from the Example of Princes, that Vertue becomes a Fashion in the People, for even they who are averse to Instruction, will yet be fond of Imitation.