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Page:The Mourning Bride - Congreve (1697, 1st ed).djvu/28

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The Mourning Bride.
Gons.What she has done, was excess of Goodness;Betray'd by too much Piety, to seemAs if she had offended.
King.To seem is to commit, at this Conjuncture.I wonnot have the seeming of a Sorrow seenTo Day- Retire, divest your self with speedOf that offensive Black; on me be allThe Violation of your Vow.You stand excused that I command it.
Gar.[Kneeling.] Your Pardon, Sir, if I presume so far,As to remind you of your gracious Promise.
King.Rise, Garcia- I forgot. Yet stay, Almeria.
Alm.O my boding Heart- What is you Pleasure, Sir?
King.Draw near, and give your Hand; and, Garcia, yours:Receive this Lord, as one whom I have foundWorthy to be your Husband, and my Son.
Gar.Thus let me kneel to take- O not to take,But to devote, and yield my self for everThe Slave and Creature of my Royal Mistress.
Gons.O let me prostrate, pay my worthless ThanksFor this high Honour.
King.No more; my promise long since pass'd, thy Loyalty,And Garcia's well-try'd Valour, all oblige me.This Day we Triumph; but to morrow's SunShall shine on Garcia's Nuptials.
Alm.Oh!- [Faints.]
Gar.Alas, she faints! help to support her.
Gons.She recovers.
King.A Bridal Qualm; soon off. How is't, Almeria?
Alm.A sudden Chilness Seizes on my Spirits.Your Leave, Sir, to retire.
King.Garcia, Conduct her.
[GARCIA leads ALMERIA to the Door, and returns. -]
This idle Vow hangs on her Woman's Fears.I'll have a Priest shall preach her from her Faith,And make it Sin, not to renounce that VowWhich I'd have broken. [Trumpets. -
