Tamarix gallica, Sm. "On the beach near Hurst Castle." Garnier and Poulter. Milford. Probably naturalized, as on the opposite coast near Yarmouth. "The Lymington Salterns," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson. See, however, Bromfield, in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 212; 392.
Eryngium maritimum, Lin., Sea Holly. Mudeford, 444.
Fœniculum vulgare, Gærtn, Common Fennel. Purewell Road, Christchurch, 476.
Apium graveolens, Lin., Wild Celery. "Marchwood," W. A. Broomfield. "Mudeford and Beaulieu," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 450.
Œnanthe Lachenalii, Gmel., Lachenal's Dropwort. "Mudeford," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 471*
Carduus tenuiflorus, Curt., Small-flowered Thistle. Lanes near the sea-coast, 597.
Artemisia maritima, Lin., Sea Wormwood. "The coast." W. Pamplin. "Salt marshes near Millbrook," W. A. Bromfield; quoted in the New Botanist's Guide, 624.
Aster Tripolium, Lin. Sea Starwort. Very common in the rivers at Beaulieu and Lymington, 641.
Inula crithmoides, Lin., Golden Samphire. Key Haven and Hurst Beach, where Ray saw it, 657.
Convolvulus Soldanella,Lin., Sea Bindweed. Hurst Castle. Mudeford, 731.
Glaux maritima, Lin., Sea Milkwort or Glasswort. Hurst Castle, Beaulieu Estuary, 894.
Armeria maritima, Aut., Common Thrift. Hordle and Barton Cliffs, Beaulieu Estuary, 895.
Statice Limonium, Lin., Sea Lavender. On this and S. rariflora, see Bromfield, in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 742; 897.
Plantago maritima, Lin., Sea Plantain. The Beaulieu Estuary, 904.
Chenopodium olidum, Curt., Stinking Goosefoot. Mr. Wilkinson gives "the seaside, Beaulieu," 908.
Atriplex portulacoides, Lin. Hurst Castle, where I first saw it in 1859, with Mr. Lees, 918.
Atriplex Babingtonii, Wds., "Mudeford," Rev. H. M Wilkinson, 921.
Atriplex littoralis, Lin., Grass-leaved Sea Orache. Estuary of the Beaulieu river, 924.
Beta maritima, Lin., Sea Beet. Mudeford, 925.
Salsola Kali, Lin., Prickly Saltwort. The seashore, Mudeford, 926.
Schoberia maritima, Mey., Sea Goosefoot. Estuary, 927.
Salicornia herbacea, Lin., Jointed Glasswort. "The Beaulieu river," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 939.
Polygonum maritimum, Lin., Sea Knot Grass. "Mudeford," Borrer, C. C. Babington. (See Watson's New Botanist's Guide, Supplement, vol. ii. p. 570.) The Rev. W. M. Wilkinson has found it on the other side of the harbour at Hengistbury Head, 940.
Polygonum Raii, Bab. "Mudeford," Borrer, and R. Stevens, Esq., 940*
Asparagus officinalis, Lin., Common Asparagus. "At Christchurch," Garnier and Ponlter.
Triglochin maritimum, Lin., Sea Arrow Grass. Marshes of the Beaulieu river, 1115.
Zostera marina, Lin., Narrow Grass Wrack. Southampton water, Hythe, 1137.
Juncus maritimus, Sm., Lesser Sharp Sea Rush. Beaulieu river, 1154.
Scirpus savii, S. and M., Savis' Club Rush. See Bromfield, in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 1030; 1187.
Scirpus maritimus, Lin., Salt Marsh Club Rush. Mudeford, 1190.
Carex extensa, Good., Long Braeteated Carex. "The Beaulieu river," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1235.
Ammophila arundinacea, Host., Sea Reed. The loose sand, Mudeford, where it grows with Triticum junceum, 1293.