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Page:The New Forest - its history and its scenery.djvu/340

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List of the Birds of the New Forest District.

Adopting Yarrell's census, an analysis of these lists gives to the Forest district 72 out of the 140 British residents, 31 out of our 63 summer visitors, 35 winter visitors, and of rarer birds and stragglers, 90; or altogether, including the two birds of double passage, 230 species out of the whole 354.

Since these lists were printed, Mr. Rake sends me word, concerning the reed wren, that in the winter of 1858, a nest, evidently built the preceding summer, and exactly resembling that bird's, was found in a thick bed of reeds on the bank of the Avon, near Fordingbridge, but he has never seen the birds or eggs from the neighbourhood.

With regard to the kildeer plover, I may add that several persons saw it in the flesh, and that Mr. Tanner received it soon after it was mounted. My only surprise is with Dr. Sclater (see the Ibis vol. iv., No. xv., p. 277), that a bird with so large a range of flight should not before this have been recorded as occurring in England.

The vignette is, with a slight alteration of position, taken from Mr. Tanner's specimen.