Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 06.djvu/156

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DENIS. 124 DENISON. martyrologists, state tlint the bodies of the three martyrs were thrown into the Seine, but taken up by a |>ious woninn named CatuHa, and in- ferred near whore they hist their lives. At a later period a iliapcl was built over their tomb. Jn 1130 King Dagobert founded on the spot the Abbey of Saint Denis. The Greek Cliureh makes Saint l)euis to be the same person as Dionysius the Areopagite, llrst Bishop of Athens (q.v. ). The Roman Catholic Church celebrates his mem- ory on October 0th. For a long time his name was the war-ery of the French .soldiers, who charged or rallied to the words Moiiljui/c .S'lii/i/ Deuis. Consult: Vercelly, lie dc ,Siiiiit Ihiiis ( Paris. 1854 ) ; Tailliar, Apostolat dc Saint Denis (Amiens, 1869). DENIS, dene', Jean Ferdi.nand (179S-1S!I0). A French traveler and author. lie was born in Paris, and early devoted himself to the study of the principal Kuropean and Oriental lan- gtiages with a view to a diplomatic career. His love of travel, however, induced him to go to South America in 181G: he spent several years in Brazil, studying its condition and resources, and after his return home prepared to write a history of that realm and of some of the other South American countries, and subsequently visited Portugal and Spain. In 1838 he was ajipointed librarian in the Ministry of Public Instruction, and in 1841 custodian of the library of Sainte Oenevitvc. of which he became administrator in 1SG5. Among the great number of his writings may be mentioned: Le Brfsil, oil histoire, mcEurs. usofies et coiifiimes dc cr roxjaume (1821) ; Buenos Ayres et le Parafiua;/ (1823) ; La Guyane (1824) ; Scenes dc la nature sous les tropiques, et dc leur influence sur la poisie (1824); Ili'sume dc I'histuire littcrairc du Portugal et de I'histoire littcrairc du lircsil (182C) : Chroniques cheralercsques dc VEspagnc ct du Portugal (1837) : Lc lirahme royarjcnr on la sayesse populaire de toutcs les nations ( 1833) : and Camoi-ns ct scs contemporains (1841). DENIS, da-nes'. Michael (1729-1800). An Austrian bibliographer and poet. He was l)orn at .'schiirding, Upper Austria, and was educated at Passau by the .Tesuits. whose Order he joined in Vienna in 1747, devoting himself to the pro- fession of teaching. In 17r>!) he became professor at the Theresianum, and on the suspension of the Society of the .Tesuits in 1773 was intrusted with the sipervision of the Garelli Library, connected with the Theresianum. A'hen that institution was closed by order of .Joseph IT., in 1784. Denis was appointed custodian of the Imperial Library. He deserves much credit for bavin;.' elevated the standaril of bibliography as a science, but his chief merit is that he awakened and spread the literary taste in Austria, making that coimtrj' participate in the revival of letters which was then agitating Germany. He translated Ossian into German, and was a great admirer of Klop- stock. in imitation of whose bard poetry be coni- pos<'d lyrics under the name of "Sined the Bard." His po<>tic productions comprise: Poctisclic liildcr der vtcisten kricycrischcn Toryiinye in lUiropa seit J75G (1700) : Die Liedcr Sineds des Jinrdrn (1773): and Ossians und Sinrds I.irdir (1784-8,'>). Anions his vahiable bibliographical writings are: Clrundriss drr Bihlioyraphic und Ituchrrliundc (1774): Kinlrituny in die Biirhcr- kundr (1777-78): }frrl;iriirditil;eiten der Oarcl- lischen Biblioihck (1780); irieiis Buchdrucker- yescliichte his loUO (1782; supplement, 1793); Lescfriichtc (1797). DENIS, Paii, CAMiLUi (1795-1872). A German civil engineer, born at Mainz. He studied at the Eeole Polytechniijue of Paris, en- tered the Bavarian civil service, and in 1S34 be- came a nicinlK'r of the commission for the con- struction of the Danube-Main Canal. In 1835 ho built from Xurenilierg to Fiirth the lirst railway in Germany. Subsequently he was prominent as a builder and director of railways. DEN'ISON. A city and the county-seat of Crawlonl t ounty, Iowa, 05 miles north by east of Council BlulTs, on the Boyer Kiver and on the Illinois Central and the Chicago and North- western railroads (Map: Iowa, B 3). It is the seat of a normal college, and carries on a con- siderable trade in live stock, grain. Ilour. poultry, dairy products, etc. The leading indu-lrial es- tablishiiients are llouring-inills and creameries. Population, in 1890, 17S2: in 1900, 2771. DENISON. A city in Grayson Coimty, Tex., 72 miles north by east of Dallas, on the Missouri, Kansas and, the Texas and Pacitic. the Houston and Te.xas Central, and the Saint Louis and .San Francisco railroads (Map: Te.xas, F 3). It has important commercial interests, and con- tains cotton, cottonseed-oil, as well as llouring mills, and many smaller industries. Among the more important buildings may be noted .Saint Xavier's Academy and Washington SehcKil. Set- tled in 1872, Denison was incorporated the same year, and is now governed inuler a charter of 1891, revised in 1893. The mayor is elected for two years, and the city council chosen in part by wards and in part on a general ticket. The board of appeals is nomjnated by the executive and confirmed by the council; all other olTicials except the city secretary are elected by the |k'ii- ple. Population, in 189ti, 10,958; in 1900, 11,807. DENISON, (1809-81). An .mcrican elergjinan and author, bom in Xew London, Conn. For a time he eiiited the Emancipator, one of the early anti-slavery peri- odicals; in 1853 was appointe<l I'nited ."states Consul in British Guiana, ami during the Civil War spoke in behalf of the Federal cause among English workmen in Lancashire, and was post- chaplain at Winchester, Va., and a hospital chaplain at Washington. D. C. His publica- tions conijirise two voliuncs of verse. The A miri- can Villayc and Other Poems ( 1845), and Out at Sea (1SG7); a story, Antonio, the Italian Hoy ( 1873) ; and biographies of Generals Grant, Han- cwk, and Banks. DENISON. George Tati.or (1839—). A Canailiau soldier and author, born in Toronto. He was educated at I'pper Canada College and Toronto rniversity (LL.B.. 1801). was called to the bar in 1801. and in 1800 luvanie lieutenant- colonel of the Governor-Geiierars body^'uard. In 1S72 and 1873 he was sent by the (lovernment of Ontario to England as a special commissioner on matters connected with innnigration. in 1877 was appointed police magistrate of Toronto, and in 1.885 was elected president of the Royal So- ciety of Canaila. He was on active mililary service during the Fenian raid in 1800. and asiin durHig the rebellion led by Riel in (he Xortlnvest Territories in the spring of 1885. His Uislnry of f'aenlry (1877) won the prize of 5000 rubles