ebony, the name of a black-colored wood.)
Night, sable goddess, from her ebon throne,
In rayless majesty now stretches forth
Her leaden scepter o'er a slumbering world.
Jet is a variety of lignite, that is, of fossil wood, which having been buried for thousands of years in the earth, has been converted into coal.
Jet is exceedingly black, and breaks with a glossy fracture. Hence,
Jet-black, denoting the highest possible degree of blackness.
Raven, characterized by the blackness of the bird thus named; as, raven locks.
Niger, black. (L.) Hence,
Negro, a black person of the African race.
Nigrescent, approaching to blackness.
Denigrate, to blacken.
Red is a bright color like that of blood.
Scarlet is a bright red.
Crimson is a dark red.
Pink is a light red, like that of the flower thus named.
Roseate, rose-colored, that is, moderately red.
Marked you her eye of heavenly blue?
Marked you her cheek of roseate hue?
Her eye in liquid circles moving;
Her cheek abashed at man's approving;
The one love's arrows darting round,
The other blushing at the wound.
Ruddy, of a reddish color, like that of the cheeks of a healthy child.
Rubeo, to be red. (L.) Hence,
Rubescent, tending to a red color.
Rubicund, inclining to redness.
Rubefacient, in medicine, an external application which produces redness of the skin. (L. facio, to make.)
Ruby, a precious stone of a red color.
Rubeola, the measles; thus called from the redness of the skin.
Erubescence, a redness of the skin or surface of any thing, resembling the redness caused by blushing.
Carnation is a flesh color. A certain species of pink is, from its color, called the carnation. (L. caro [carnis], flesh.)
Vermilion is a bright red paint. Hence the term vermilion is employed to signify any beautiful red color. We speak of the vermilion of a maiden's lips.
Carmine is a paint of a beautiful red color bordering on purple.
A Blush is a temporary redness of the face caused by a sense of shame or abashment.
Note.—Blushing is produced by a sudden flow of the blood to the vessels of the skin.
A Flush is a sudden reddening of the face from mental excitement, or from bodily disease.
To Glow is to be red.
Clad in a gown that glows with Tyrian rays.—Dryden.
See Arts. Light and Heat.
Yellow is a bright color resembling that of gold.
Jaundice is a disease thus named from the yellowness of the skin by which it is characterized. (Fr., jaune, yellow.)
Sallow, yellow, as from illness.
Orange is a combination of red and yellow, like the color of the fruit thus named.
Blue is the characteristic color of the clear sky.
Azure is a sky-blue.
Cerulean signifies sky-colored.
Ultramarine is a beautiful sky-blue paint, formed of a mineral called lapis lazuli.
Indigo is a deep-blue color like that of the drug.
Livid means black-and-blue. The skin may become livid in consequence of a severe contusion.
Violet is a dark-blue, inclining to red, like the color of the flower thus named.
Green is the color of fresh foliage, and is a compound of yellow and blue.
Verdant signifies green, and is properly applied only to the greenness of vegetation; as, verdant meads.
Verdure is the greenness of the fields and forests during the summer season.
Pale, when applied as an epithet to any particular color, denotes a de-