Page:The Royal Book of Oz.djvu/296

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The Royal Book of Oz

Presently the Silvermen began to come trooping in, packing the great throne room until it could hold no more. Everyone was chattering excitedly.

It was quite a different company that greeted them. The Scarecrow, cheerful and witty in his old Munchkin suit, Dorothy and Sir Hokus, smiling happily and the three animal members of the party fairly blinking with contentment.

"This," said the Scarecrow pleasantly, when everything was quiet, "is your new Emperor, to whom I ask you to pledge allegiance." He waved proudly in the direction of Happy Toko, who, to tell the truth, presented a truly royal appearance. "It is not possible for me to remain with you, but I shall always watch over this delightful island, and, with the magic fan, vanquish all its enemies and punish all offenders."

Happy Toko bowed to his subjects.

The Silver Islanders exchanged startled glances, Then, as the Scarecrow carelessly lifted the fan, they fell prostrate to the earth.

"Ah!" said the Scarecrow with a broad wink at Happy, "This is delightful. You agree with me, I see. Now then Three Cheers for Tappy Oko, Imperial Emperor of the Silver Island."