Page:The Statutes of the Realm (Chronological Index).pdf/7

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The index now printed was compiled by the late Mr. Raithby, in pursuance of an Order made at a Board of the Commissioners on Public Records, dated 29 June 1816, which directed that a General Index to the Statutes of the Realm should be framed, in Two Parts; One Alphabetical, the other Chronological; the former including the several Matters contained in the Statutes, in Alphabetical Arrangement, in a Manner indicating only the Subject Matter of each Clause, and not professing to give the Substance of the Enactment; the latter including the several Matters contained in the Statutes under each Head succinctly, and giving the Substance of their respective Enactments, proceeding under each Head chronologically.

The Alphabetical Index was published in 1824, and it was then stated in the Preface, that at that Time considerable Progress had been made in the General Chronological Index.

Mr. Raithby proceeded with much Assiduity in the Compilation of the present Volume, until Christmas 1824, when, being attacked with severe indisposition, his Progress was retarded, his Labours, however, never being discontinued, but carried on uninterruptedly, with all the Attention which Circumstances would permit, until his Death in August 1826, at which Time the Volume had been altogether compiled in MS. and printed as far as Page 569.

Upon Mr. Raithby's Decease, the Task of correcting the Press devolved on his Clerk Mr. Elliot, (who had throughout the whole been employed by him on both Indexes,) under the immediate Care and Superintendence of the Secretary, and by them the present Volume has been made complete.

JOHN CALEY, Secretary.