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who twixt care of comfort and zeal in worldly affairshav proved serving two masters the vanity of both,when a true soldier appeareth, one compact at heartof sterner virtues and modesty of maintenance,900mute witness and martyr of spiritual faith, a manready at call to render his life to keep his soul.All virtue is in her shape so lovely, that at sighther lover is enamour'd even of her nativ face.And here I part from Aristotle, agreeing elsethat a good disposition is Goddes happiest gift,without which, as he addeth, Virtue is unteachable,but in minds well-disposed may be by Reason upbuilt:"no man cometh (said she) unto wisdom but by me";But when he would exalt this guiding principle910to be thatt part whereby we are in likeness with God,whose Being (saith he) lieth in the unbroken exerciseof absolute intellect—which for their happinessmankind should strive to attain—I halt thereat: and thismarreth my full accord where, in a famous texthe hath made Desire to be the Prime Mover of all:because the arch-thinker's heav'n cannot move my desire,nor doth his pensiv Deity make call on my love.I see the emotion of saints, lovers and poets allto be the kindling of some Personality

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