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Page:The Testament of Beauty.djvu/89

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920by an eternizing passion; and that God's worshipperlooking on any beauty falleth straightway in love;and thatt love is a fire in whose devouring flamesall earthly ills are consumed, and at least flash of it,be it only a faint radiancy, the freed soul glimpseth,nay ev'n may think to hav felt, some initiat foretasteof that mystic rapture, the consummation of whichis the absorption of Selfhood in the Being of God.
Ideas and influences spiritually discern'dare of their essence pure: but in the lot of man930nothing is wholly pure; yet all hindrance to good—be good and evil two in love or one in strife—maketh occasion for it, by contrast heightening,by challenge and revelly arousing Virtue to act.Hence 'twill not be with men only of contention and hate,nor only with the ambitious and disorderlythat combat findeth favor; honest men good and truewho seek peace and ensue it, seeing war as the fieldfor exercise of spirit that else might fust unused,embrace the good, and cavil not the inherent terms,940rather welcoming hardship; which by affraying cowardspurgeth heroic ranks: and battle rallieth all

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