subsisteth on foundations buried out of sight,which yet the good architect carrieth ever in mind,and keepeth the draft by him stored in his folios.So herein 'twas laid down what footing Reason plann'd;—divining Purpose in Natur, it abstracted firsther main intentions, and subsumeth under eachthe old animal passions ancillary thereto,tho' in Nature's economy the same impulsemay work to divers ends, as demonstrably is seen20in the appetite of hunger, which prime in selfhoodpromoteth no less all living activities,so universal that some thinkers would make ita corner-stone, and mixing other like fabricbuild thereon confidently, albeit for such deep trustunfit, being in itself a thing of no substance. And truly pleasur in food, common to all animalsthat can feel pleasure, comforting the incessant toilof sustenance to enable their blind energies,when once it findeth conscience in the Reason of man30is posited by folly as an end-in-itself;till by sensuous refinement it usurpeth rankbeside his intellectual and spiritual joys,—a road whereon the brutes already had broken ground(trespassing somewhat haply on nature's allotments),
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