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Page:The Vicar of Wakefield (Volume 1) - Goldsmith (1766, 1st edition).djvu/15

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The Vicar of Wakefield.

important it appeared. I even went a step beyond Whiston in displaying my principles: as he had engraven upon his wife's tomb that she was the only wife of William Whiston; so I wrote a similar epi­taph for my wife, though still living, in which I extolled her prudence, oeconomy, and obedience till death; and having got it copied fair, with an elegant frame, it was placed over the chimney-piece, where it answered several very useful purposes. It admonished my wife of her duty to me, and my fidelity to her; it inspired her with a passion for fame, and constantly put her in mind of her end.

It was thus, perhaps, from hearing mar­riage so often recommended, that my eldest son, just upon leaving college, fix­ed his affections upon the daughter of a neighbouring clergyman, who was a dig­nitary in the church, and in circumstances to give her a large fortune: but fortune was her smallest accomplishment. Miss Arabella Wilmot was allowed by all, ex­cept my two daughters, to be completelypretty.