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Page:The Vicar of Wakefield (Volume 2) - Goldsmith (1766, 1st edition).djvu/177

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The Vicar of Wakefield.

He took the letter, and hastily read it o­ver. "This," says he, "though not a perfect excuse, is such a palliation of his fault, as induces me to forgive him. And now, Sir," continued he, kindly taking my son by the hand, "I see you are surprised at finding me here; but I have often visited prisons upon occa­sions less interesting. I am now come to see justice done a worthy man, for whom I have the most sincere e­steem. I have long been a dis­guised spectator of thy father's bene­volence. I have at his little dwelling enjoyed respect uncontaminated by flat­tery, and have received that happiness that courts could not give, from the amu­sing simplicity round his fire-side. My nephew has been apprized of my inten­tions of coming here, and I find is ar­rived; it would be wronging him and you to condemn him without examination: if"there