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Page:The Vicar of Wakefield (Volume 2) - Goldsmith (1766, 1st edition).djvu/34

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The Vicar of Wakefield.

name for freedom; and that no man is so fond of freedom himself that he would not chuse to subject the will of some in­dividuals of society to his own.

"Upon my arrival in England, I resolv­ed to pay my respects first to you, and then to enlist as a volunteer in the first expedition that was sent out; but on my journey down my resolutions were changed, by meeting an old acquaintace, who I found belonged to a company of comedians, that were going to make a summer campaign in the country. The company seemed not much to disapprove of me for an associate. They all, how­ever, apprized me of the importance of the task at which I aimed; that the pub­lic was a many headed monster, and that only such as had very good heads could please it: that acting was not to be learnt in a day; and that without some traditi­onal shrugs, which had been on the"stage,