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Page:The Vicar of Wakefield (Volume 2) - Goldsmith (1766, 1st edition).djvu/92

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The Vicar of Wakefield.

We were now got from my late dwel­ling about two miles, when we saw a crowd running and shouting behind us, consisting of about fifty of my poorest pa­rishioners. These, with dreadful impreca­tions, soon seized upon the two officers of justice, and swearing they would never see their minister go to gaol while they had a drop of blood to shed in his defence, were going to use them with great severity. The consequence might have been fatal, had I not immediately interposed, and with some difficulty rescued the officers from the hands of the enraged multitude. My chil­dren, who looked upon my delivery now as certain, appeared transported with joy, and were incapable of containing their rap­tures. But they were soon undeceived, up­on hearing me address the poor deluded people, who came, as they imagined, to do me service.
