significations can, with a little perseverance and practice, be rendered a delightful recreation; affording ample and wholesome food for the mind; and often bringing highly amusing thoughts or imaginations that can only possibly end in exulting pleasantness, and may be hearty laughter to the body.
Location, the third principle of the system is also derived from the Latin,—Locus, which means to "place," to place anything in any spot or position is to Locate it; thus the Location of ideas means the putting of ideas in places or positions.
This may be done with or without arrangement, but if we wish to insure getting our ideas back when we want them, we must do it by arrangement; or, in other words, we must have a place for every idea, and every idea in its place.
You must not at first aim at obtaining a large number of positions of Locality, but get a few and then be sure to properly use them.
A man who has one hat peg, and makes a rule of placing his hat upon it the instant he arrives home, will be able to find his hat far more easily when required, than a man who may have one thousand pegs, and who does not regularly place his hat upon any particular