3. 1 5 8 4. B Y J M. BoYJaM.
Think of a sly Boy stealing Jam, in the third position.
4. 9 0 1 2. P S T L PISTOL.
Think of a beautiful Pistol in the fourth position.
5. 3 5 0 9. H R S P. HaRe SouP
Think of some savoury Hare Soup, on the table in the fifth position.
6. 1 6 8 3. B N J O. BaNJO,
Think there is a niggerin the sixth position, tuning up his Banjo.
7. 4 6 1 2. M N T L. MaNTLe.
Think that in the seventh position there is a splendid Mantle.
8. 6 3 2 6. V O L N. ViOLiN.
Think that in the eighth position there is hanging a fine-toned Violin.
9. 4 0 1 5. D S T R. DuSTER.
Think that in the ninth position there is lying a Duster.
Each of the above examples must be surrounded by the readers' own associations, in accordance with the particular arrangement of the articles in the room of location, and the ideas he may have in connexion with them. When the student desires to recall any of the groups of figures he must think what he placed in his position of locality.