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Page:The Way to Improve the Memory (Fairchild).djvu/28

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The first thing to do is to convert "70" into some of the letters by which it is represented taking care to select those that will give you the best sound. I should make the "70" into 'K S' because that sounds like "K i s S." Now convert the number, which I should do to, N K O N N S, which sounds to me like (k) N o c K O N N o S e, you must now Associate or connect the one familiar to the other which may be done by thinking "you have just received payment in this note, when you get home your wife is going to give you a Kiss but in her endeavour to do so, gives you a (k) Nock On the Nose Where you have to deal with words in relation to figures, such as in the "heights of mountains, lengths or breadths of rivers, historical events, names and addresses of persons, names of persons giving orders, or paying or receiving cash, latitudes and longitudes, &c., &c., &c, and were the words are not familiar you must firstly make them familiar, and then deal with the figures; Example—

SNOWDON, 3571 feet high.

The first thing to do is to ask yourself "what does Snowdon sound like," to the author it sounds like Snowed-on; now let us convert the figures into H R C B which sounds to me like H i R e C a B, we have now to associate the two familiar ideas. which you may do by thinking 'that you are out one