from Latin, and how it may be made Latin again.
1. Most English words, ending in nce, or cy, are derived from Latin words in tia; Temperantia, Clemen tia; Temperance, Clemency.
2. Words in ion, in English, are made Latin by casting away n; as, Question, Questio; Religion, Religio.
3. Words ending in ty are made Latin by changing ty into tas; as, Liberty, Libertas; Charity, Charitas.
4. Words ending in ude are derived from the Latin, by changing o into e; Fortitude, Fortitudo; Gratitude, Gratitudo, etc.
5. Adjectives, which end in d, do for the most part become Latin, by the addition of us; as Rigid, Rigidus; Putrid, Putridus, etc.
6. Words ending in t, n, or r, between two vowels become Latin by changing the last vowel into us; as, Mute, Mutus; Obscure, Obscurus; Obscene, Obscanus, etc.
7. Most words ending in nt are made Latin, by changing nt into ns; as Latent, Latens; Vigilant, Vigilans, etc.
8. Many words ending in al, by the addition of is become Latin; as Liberal, Liberalis; Substantial, Substantialis.