The preterpluperfect of the indicative is known by the termination veram, etc. except when the preterperfect is formed simply with i, in which case it is eram. The same tense in the subjunctive is vissem, or, issem:—amaveram—amavissem;—deleveram delevissem; legeram—legissem.
The future of the indicative is formed by bo in amo and deleo, and by am in lambo and fugio. In the subjunctive mood, the future termination is formed from the preterperfect indicative by the addition of ero throughout; as amabo—amavero—delebo—delevero; lambam—lambero.
The following tables of the Latin conjugations and declensions may be committed to memory, by placing them on a wall, a mantle-piece, a door, etc. preserving the situations of the moods, tenses, and declensions as described in the tables.