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Page:The new art of memory (IA artofmemoryfound00fein).pdf/191

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Table of the five Latin Declensions.

Singular 1. Mensa 2. Dominus 3. Sermo 4. Servus 5. Dies
Nom. a us o—n us es
Gen. æ i is us ei
Dat. æ o i ui ei
Acc. am um em um em
Abl. a o e u e
Nom. æ i es us es
Gen. arum orum um um erum
Dat. is is ibus ibus ebus
Acc. as os es us es
Abl. is is ibus ibus ebus

N.B. The Vocative is not inserted, because it is the same as the Nominative, except in the 2nd declension, where it makes e instead of us.