Dakotas to 87 per cent in that district which includes Wyoming and Montana.
The saying that you cannot “eat your cake and have it too” is true of the railroads and the people to-day. We cannot have the good service and facilities that we need, give employees the increasing wages they demand, pay the higher taxes imposed, keep rates down, and even reduce them farther; we cannot do all these things and still find investors who will furnish money for increased facilities.
The conservation of railway service is a great national question; the owners and managers of the railways are doing all they can, but the people must help. So while so much is being said and done about conservation of soil, of forest, of agriculture, of the boy and girl, and of human life, a little thought and attention should be given to the urgent necessity for the conservation of railway service. It must be protected and kept “from loss, decay, or injury.” Without proper conservation of this great service which supplements all the others, development will be checked.