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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/141

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complaint is caused by the competition of water-routes and Canadian roads that are not subject to the Interstate Commerce Law. The officers of the freight departments of the great railroads spend as much time, if not more, on this subject as on any other, making a constant study of the relation of rates and endeavoring, through consultation with all interests and without fear or favor, to harmonize the conflicting demands of the various communities. A commission could not satisfy this class of complaints, and would be driven to a system of rates based on distance.

3. Complaint of relative rates between individuals. Many individuals continue to ask the railroads for a better rate on their particular business than may be used by their competitor, although this request for personal preference in freight rates is diminishing steadily. Let it be understood that the federal authority will enforce the existing law, against both shipper and railroad, and this complaint will stop.

4. Complaints that the power of deciding questions is being centralized too much. The rail-