tracks for an industry the success of which was uncertain. As a result, those promoting a given industry have put in their own side-tracks, furnishing their own switch-engines within their works, and delivered their own business to the railways. Incident to this there have been some cases of excessive payments to the owners of private side-tracks and private switch-engines, but here again the evolution of the business and the better experience and judgment of the railroad officers are eliminating any such payments.
What are the remedies for these abuses? In my humble judgment these various abuses will correct themselves through the good sense of the American business man and through the friction of business. In addition, the Interstate Commerce Law, with its amendments, provides ample machinery for correcting absolutely every discrimination as between individuals. If that law is effectually enforced, it will drive out the few remaining cases of personal discrimination as to freight shipments.
I think the effect on railroad-management,