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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/15

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The time has now come for an impartial and serious consideration by the people at large, as to whether it might not be better for their interests individually and collectively, and for all business interests of the country, to give the railroads a breathing-spell, to eliminate some of the useless and unnecessary restrictive law under which they are compelled to work, and to permit them to solve the very serious problem of giving the public what it wants in railroad service and railroad facilities, by encouraging friendly relations and friendly discussion with the public, rather than to have constant friction and bickering.

For many years, and particularly in the last few, there has been agitation about the so-called railroad question, or problem. Throughlack of complete information about the railroads there has arisen some antagonism toward them, and it is important to explain the
