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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/150

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The Interstate Commerce Law also has the power to prevent unjust discrimination between localities. Let the Commission be active in using the power it now has of stating when there is unjust discrimination; their decision and the force of public opinion, the pressure of business men, the increasing good sense of the railroad-owners and officers, will all be elements in determining a new relation between the communities.

As to private cars and private side-tracks, I believe that any difficulties or abuses incident to their use will eliminate themselves, just as the foolish custom of paying ticket commission eliminated itself by the voluntary action of the railroads. If, however, there is a feeling that the Government must in some way try to hasten the inevitable result, the present law seems ample to cure the evils, provided the Federal Government will use its machinery for enforcing it. If more law is needed, a very simple one will correct the alleged evil. Let it be the law that no payment shall be made by a railroad or by an individual for the use