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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/152

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railroad transportation, an obstacle would be placed in the way of the highest success of individual effort that would gradually result in depressing and repressing the efforts of those interested in or engaged in the railroad business and would reduce all to the dead level of mediocrity.

Such a plan is unjust, because it would apply to the large number of American people interested and engaged in the railroad business a rule not applicable to others. In good faith they have invested their time, their training, their energy, and their money with the idea that there were rewards for success as in all other businesses. They are taking, and have taken, great risks, as do all who are engaged in business, to obtain the benefits of success, if that comes, just as they must submit to the result of failure, if that comes.

Such a plan is unnecessary, because the development of the railroad business in this country has been such that we have the most effective service as a whole, the lowest rates as a whole, the highest wages as a whole, and