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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/190

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task fully as difficult and serious as that of the farmer in increasing his product one per cent per acre per year, and both tasks must be accomplished if we are to make the best use of our wonderful resources.

You cannot have a good railroad without good track and good equipment, and good men to maintain and operate that track and equipment. You cannot have good farms without good soil, which you have in these three states; good farm equipment, which you can get and should keep in good order; good men, who will use that soil and equipment by proper plowing and cultivation, by the selection of good, clean seed instead of poor, dirty seed, by intelligent combination of various crops and live-stock.

Sound public opinion can help both the farmer and the railroads in the important work of the farmer and of the railroad. It is important that fairness and consideration be shown to both: to the farmer, that he may have every encouragement and the assistance of the best agricultural education, scientific