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the business of the people. It is also true that in North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and Washington, mining furnishes a field for the employment of labor, capital, and brains, but upon the wise and efficient use of the soil depends, more than upon all else, the future prosperity of the American Northwest.

Consider for a moment some of the figures about people engaged in agriculture and the results obtained in the American Northwest.

1880 1890
All land in farms (acres) 23,561,289 124,345,917
Improved land in farms (acres) 11,540,115 72,992,996
Land capable of being farmed and not in use (acres) 12,021,174 51,352,921
Number of farms 135,971 466,856
  1879 1909
Bushel Value not available Bushel Value
Wheat 47,842,928 290,801,583 $267,708,909
Oats 32,919,797 252,593,225 96,305,612
Barley 5,048,623 97,253,571 47,696,131
Corn 17,020,707 130,004,006 60,400,992
Flaxseed 174,300 18,731,213 28,031,509
  Total 103,006,335 789,384, 598 $500,143,153
  Tons   Tons
Hay and Forage 2,420,913   18,954,653 $111,154,653